Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Category:Future weapons

Weapons under research or planned for development and use in the future. To be classified as a future weapon, a weapon must be the subject of actual research by military or industrial entities, or be considered a viable technology for future development. For weapons of purely theoretical or science-fiction basis, see Category:Fictional weapons. For weapons researched in the past, but not employed, see appropriate historical categories
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
[+] Future American weapons (0)
[+] Future energy weapons (0)
Pages in category "Future weapons"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total. This list may sometimes be slightly out of date (learn more)
Antimatter weapon
LSAT light machine gun
Lightweight Small Arms Technologies
Magnetic accelerator gun


U.S. Army lauds relevance of future weapons for today

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Army brought a new hybrid electric tank, an unmanned helicopter and other weapons that make up the $160 billion Future Combat Systems (FCS) modernization effort to Washington on Wednesday, lauding their relevance to troops fighting in Iraq now.
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"We're finally to a point in this program where the Future Combat System is real," Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey said at a demonstration for lawmakers and the media that was staged on the Mall, with the Capitol as a backdrop.
Casey said he agreed with Defen
se Secretary Robert Gates that any weapons system developed when the country was at war needed be relevant to the fight at hand. Gates has repeatedly mentioned FCS as one of the big-ticket weapons programs that have to prove their value in battling insurgencies.
Managed by Boeing Co and SAIC Inc, FCS is a system of 14 major weapons linked by computer networks.
The Army has restructured the FCS program twice since its start in 2003 to allow the fielding of individual technologies sooner, to cut four of the initial 18 weapons systems, and to stretch its overall schedule by four more years.
Casey said early versions of systems developed for FCS were already being used by troops in Iraq.
The Army recently accelerated testing of a small unmanned aircraft and a ground-based robot with an eye to fielding them sooner, but Casey said no firm decisions had been made yet.
"We're working on a strategy," he said. "It's on us to demonstrate, one, the relevance and two, the future utility of these systems. That's what we're doing out here today."
Four initial technologies, including a portable missile system. and unattended ground sensors that collect intelligence, are being tested now and are due to be sent into combat with troops in 2011. The bulk of the FCS weapons systems are to be deployed in 2015.
Casey said the new manned "Non Line of Sight Cannon," a large tank operated by just two soldiers, would dramatically reduce fuel use on the battlefield once it was fielded in seven years since it runs on a hybrid electric drive.
FCS program manager Maj. Gen. Charles Cartwright said 30 unmanned Maverick helicopters were being sent to Iraq soon.
He said officials had already demonstrated the ability to relay video images from the Maverick unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS) to Humvees in the laboratory and would now test that capability at Fort Bliss, Texas.
Casey said he spoke about the FCS program a week ago with Pentagon acquisition chief John Young, who just conducted a comprehensive nine-hour review of the program. Young told reporters last week that he planned to look more carefully at each of the 14 weapons systems within the overall FCS program, a comment that raised concern for some that he could be eyeing moves to separate the program into parts.
He said Young was delving into more detail about the individual weapons that make up FCS, a move he said was "very productive" and not a precursor to a breakup of the program.
"I've not had any discussion with him about that," Casey told Reuters after his remarks.
FCS program officials say splitting up the program could lead to disconnects between the FCS communications network, the various new ground- and air-based weapons that would use it, and current weapons that also need to be linked in.
Gregg Martin, Boeing vice president and FCS program manager, said the program was working to provide details about the separate weapons systems that make up FCS for Young ahead of a Defense Acquisition Board review at the end of July.
He said the program was carefully watching congressional action on the FCS budget, warning that any cuts would result in schedule delays and revamped contracts with suppliers.
The House of Representatives cut the FCS budget by $233 million, while the Senate fully funded it. Additional House and Senate committees must still act on the funding for the program.
(Reporting by Andrea Shalal-Esa; editing by Carol Bishopric)
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FutureWeapons goes to the most intense battlefield on the planet - Alaska.

. Ex-US Navy SEAL Richard 'Mack' Machowicz draws on his ten years Special Forces training as he witnesses how soldiers are trained not just to survive but thrive in this intense environment and then fight in one of the most hostile places on the planet. Mack tries the latest weapons and systems designed to fight in this most hostile of environments including one of the best sniper rifles for cold weather warfare designed to work at minus 40 Fahrenheit - a temperature at which most weapons would literally freeze. In the heart of the Alaskan wilderness lies the US Army’s Cold Regions Test Center (CRTC). Part of the Army Test and Evaluation Command, the CRTC has granted Future Weapons exclusive access to film extreme cold weather tests on weapons systems and equipment – assessing their performance in Arctic conditions.Featured weapons:- Artic Survival Training School- Stryker Mobile Gun System- M56e1 Smoke Generator- Arctic Warfare Super Magnum Sniper RifleMore Future Weapons
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TDI KRISS Super V XSMG Submachine Gun

Developer: Transformational Defense Industries (Switzerland)

What it is: Named after the Indonesian sword that cuts down its enemies, the .45 Caliber KRISS XSMG submachine gun’s innovative design really shows itself off in the fully automatic mode. You don’t have to fight the recoil or muzzle climb as you would with other fully automatic weapons, making this future weapon a breeze to use.

What it does: The powerful .45 round has finally been tamed. While most machine guns kick like a mule, the revolutionary firing mechanism on the KRISS -- the Super V -- directs the recoil downwards, instead of directly into your shoulder, like other weapons.

Why war needs it: On today’s battlefields, there are no second chances. The time it takes to make an adjustment almost certainly means your demise. You need a fast, compact and accurate weapon, as well as a powerful round like the .45 Cal (operating at 4,500 rounds per minute on full-auto) for unsurpassed knock-down power.

Active duty: At the moment, the KRISS is still in final testing, and is used and operated by the controversial security and mercenary firm, Blackwater.

Top 10: Future Weapons

The boys of the armed forces are still stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan aglobal war on terror that goes on without end, but we all know this war would go a lot smoother if there were weapons out there that could vanquish our enemies with cold efficiency or could save us from fighting all. Well, we're here to tell you those weapons are out there. Some are operating as we speak, but most are not. We say it's high time we blow the lid off those secret weapons that the governments of the world don't want you to know about, so we're going to show you the top 10 future weapons the world has to offer.


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