Tuesday, October 28, 2008

TDI KRISS Super V XSMG Submachine Gun

Developer: Transformational Defense Industries (Switzerland)

What it is: Named after the Indonesian sword that cuts down its enemies, the .45 Caliber KRISS XSMG submachine gun’s innovative design really shows itself off in the fully automatic mode. You don’t have to fight the recoil or muzzle climb as you would with other fully automatic weapons, making this future weapon a breeze to use.

What it does: The powerful .45 round has finally been tamed. While most machine guns kick like a mule, the revolutionary firing mechanism on the KRISS -- the Super V -- directs the recoil downwards, instead of directly into your shoulder, like other weapons.

Why war needs it: On today’s battlefields, there are no second chances. The time it takes to make an adjustment almost certainly means your demise. You need a fast, compact and accurate weapon, as well as a powerful round like the .45 Cal (operating at 4,500 rounds per minute on full-auto) for unsurpassed knock-down power.

Active duty: At the moment, the KRISS is still in final testing, and is used and operated by the controversial security and mercenary firm, Blackwater.


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